
GN1 is a company that constantly creates innovative solutions for the evolution of knowledge and progress of scientific production, from research, through the construction of articles, and dissemination of that knowledge, to indexing in the main portals. We seek international recognition of researchers and professionals linked to science in its most authentic and well-founded form.


Democratize access to the publishing world for authors from all areas of knowledge through tools that will be the bridge between professionals in the scientific environment, cutting-edge science devoid of conflicts of interest, and people with a much higher quality of life.

Commitment to the highest quality; with each new job, we seek constant improvement; if there are mistakes, we will learn from them to contribute to the advancement of science for the good of humanity.
Transparency and honesty
We prioritize the seriousness and integrity of the processes shared with our clients so that they feel intimately connected to the various stages of the work and perceive how much we simplify and give continuity to the different complexities of the services provided.
Commitment to growth and results
To be part of the solution of the problems for our client, strengthening an alliance in the search for scientific recognition with international quality.
We seek to adjust deadlines and expectations efficiently and balance within a possible schedule for the demand for each service.
Humanized care
Valuation of our clients through individualized attention and openness to direct communication.
We believe that a successful company is built with the talent of our collaborators, positively impacting their daily actions and those around them.
Consistency and focus
We can regularly continue activities; we are 100% involved with a defined plan for each service. Our goal is to solve our customers' problems!
Analytical attitude
Criterion standard of assertive evaluation thanks to the technical ability of our collaborators to identify failures and inconsistencies in the line of work and materials produced.
São Paulo
  • R. Flórida, 1703 – Cj 62 (Ed. Gávea),
    Brooklin, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

São João da Boa Vista

Contact us

We have a team ready to understand your needs and exceed your expectations.